So next year I start fresh! New school new place and most importantly; new friends! I'm not moving or anything so I have the benefit of keeping my old friends as well as the new ones, so this is pretty much only positive! I decided to keep a list of 50 things I want to accomplish during first year of my new school. nr. 1 is to "make a group of friends that I'll know for the rest of my life". And I already kinda have this but after watching like a billion tv-shows through the years I've lived and experienced a lot of different friendships I've developed this dream of a perfect and absolutely amazing friend group!
This is what it consists of:
1. My best friend. I want this one friend that the whole gang started out with, she's very different from you, but you share some common interests and it works because you just click. You can talk to her about pretty much anything and you always have each others backs.
2. My best guy friend. Him, number 1 and you are like the tres amigos or something. He is the guy you friend-zoned from day one, and he did the same to you (so no emotions will f*** up this relationship). He will act as your gay best-friend regardless of if he's gay or not.
3. The girl who shares one of my guilty-pleasure-interests. By this I mean the things you don't broadcast that you actually enjoy. Like for example in my case: K-pop, anime and youtube. You will have our little secret youtube channel that is all about K-pop and anime and have inside jokes like no-one else. She will also be the one that takes you to all the conventions and introduces you to all the hot asian boys she knows.

4. My soulmate. I'm pretty sure that I already know this person. So I'm not sure if I'm gonna meet a new one like him, but who knows, right? This is the guy who just gets you. It's the guy who will write the same essay as you with the exact same opinion and examples without you even talking to each other. You will completely freak out yourself and your friends with how alike you are, and you'll often be adressed as the female version of him and vice a versa. Your similarities just work. You might date, you might not. But I know that no matter what happens, fate will find a way to freakishly cross your paths again.
5. the heart throb. The guy who will make you fall head over heels for him and then break your heart, and then make you want him again. He's most likely super-attractive and you'll hate him for that. But even if he breaks your heart it's okay because he's also your friend and you can't get rid of him that easy.
6. the girly girl. The one in the group that balances out the girly-ness. She is an expert on boys and makeup. And she's also kind of a rebel and doesn't care that much about school. She's great for sleepovers, pillow-talks and for days where you'd rather skip class.
If life was a movie the rest of our teenage years would consist of us hanging out at food courts, drinking slushies, kissing boys, going to house parties and skateboarding.
But other than that we wouldn't be popular, we wouldn't not be popular either, but all in all we just really wouldn't care. Somehow we would stick together through all the unnecessary drama that most likely will occur and I would know these people for the rest of my life. What do you wish for in a gang?